
Fringe benefit tax exemption

Here's a simpler version:

GST relates to the sale of commercial property

Q: A client wants to know about the GST implications of selling commercial property as a going concern. Since there's no GST on the property sale itself, what about other expenses like commission and legal fees that do have GST? Can the GST on these be claimed?

GST about provision of overseas services

Q: I'm planning to hire a US IT consulting firm. They'll send invoices to my company, and I'll pay them in US dollars. Do they need any special permits to consult in Australia? Do they require an ABN? Will the US firm have to pay GST?

The CGT for the sale of the “composite assets”

Here's a simpler version:

Fuel tax credits

Question: A client runs a marine mechanics business and bought a boat for transporting divers. The boat uses petrol, which qualifies for fuel tax credits.

Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (28)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (27)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (26)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (25)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (24)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (23)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (22)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (21)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (20)

Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (19)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (18)


Topics on CGT and GST for property buyers (17)


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