Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC) Overview:
When an employer fails to meet their Superannuation Guarantee (SG) obligations for a quarter, they must pay the SGC and lodge an SGC statement by the 28th day of the second month after the quarter ends.
Components of SGC:
Total Individual SG Shortfalls: The sum of SG shortfalls for each underpaid employee, calculated based on their salary or wage base and shortfall percentage for the quarter.
Choice Shortfall: Penalty for not meeting choice of fund obligations, limited to $500 per employee per notice period.
Nominal Interest Component: Additional amount (currently 10% p.a.) to compensate for delayed SG contributions, calculated from the beginning of the quarter.
Administration Component: Fixed $20 per employee per quarter.
Other Consequences:
Director Penalty Regime:
For SGC liabilities from June 2012 onwards, directors become personally liable if the company fails to pay the SGC in full by its due date.
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